Java/Go/Python/JS/TS source code for 23 classic design patternsDesign Pattern 23 classic design pattern source code explanationJan 30, 20231Jan 30, 20231
How do you make JavaScript’s array unique?There is 18 methods.more other languages about unique algorithms: 21, 20221Apr 21, 20221
18 methods make unique for Java Array or Listremove the duplicate items of ArraySep 7, 2020Sep 7, 2020
如何赢得别人的喜欢生活在这个世界上,身为这个社会大家庭的一员,就免不了要跟人打交道,跟他人交流。人和人之间的交流看似简单,其实是一门复杂的学问。处理好了,事情才能顺利起来,处理不好是要出问题的。Jul 1, 20201Jul 1, 20201
H.265 web player technology implementationWith the development of video encoding technology, compared with H.264, H.265 has only half the volume of the same picture quality, half…Jun 23, 2020Jun 23, 2020